Amy’s Story
Amy is in her first year of judo training, and, by everyone’s account, is a natural. It didn’t surprise her, or her club, when she won the club tournament, then ‘person of the match’ regionally!
However, what does surprise and concern them now is her hesitancy in fights, her self-doubt, and her uncertainty about how much strength to apply when in hold.
What are you surprised about?
Do you have any concerns?
What suggests anxiety could be an issue?
How would you like Amy to feel?
What would you like Amy to experience?
Something seems to have made Amy lose confidence.
Has something happened or been said to Amy to throw her off balance?
Might there be something going on in another part of Amy’s life that is troubling her?
I’d like Amy to be confident again, maybe talking to someone will help.
Helping Amy talk about judo, what she wants to achieve, and how she would like to be helped in this.
Finding someone who could reassure Amy on what is appropriate when in a hold.
Finding out if there’s a welfare or safeguarding officer you could speak to on behalf of Amy, or encourage Amy to talk to directly.
If someone is struggling with something, you don’t have to pretend everything is OK, when they know it is not. They don’t need to be ignored, but encouraged to talk about it.
They don’t need to feel it’s unimportant and to bury it, but helped to talk about it with someone they trust, with reassurance things can be addressed.
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