Signs Of Eating Disorders
It’s important that signs of an eating disorder are found quickly, in order to stop it getting worse. Here are some common symptoms you should look out for…
Preoccupation with weight, food, calories, carbohydrates, fat grams, and dieting
Unusual eating habits, particularly signs of excessive (and often secret) food intake – the first part of the binge-purge pattern of bulimia
Appears uncomfortable eating around others
Withdrawal from usual friends and activities
Extreme concern with body size and shape
Extreme mood swings
Decrease in food intake, increase short term performance
Alternating periods of fatigue and irritability
Unhealthy weight control through use of diuretics (substances that cause excess water excretion), laxatives, self-induced vomiting or excretion, excessive/compulsive aerobic exercise, and dieting that approaches self-starvation